What we do
Our services


Our Chiropodist at Scotia Chiropractic deals with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the lower limb and is qualified to treat people with arthritis, diabetes, nail surgery, callous, corns and sports injuries. They work with people of all ages but play a particularly important role in helping older people to stay mobile and, therefore, independent.

Our Chiropodist offers a full treatment service to ensure your feet stay healthy and comfortable.

What does a Chiropodist Treat?

Chiropody can treat and alleviate day-to-day foot problems, including:

  • toenail problems, such as thickened, fungal or ingrown toenails
  • corns and calluses
  • verrucas
  • athlete's foot
  • smelly feet
  • dry and cracked heels
  • flat feet
  • bunions
  • heel pain
  • ageing feet
  • blisters
  • gout
  • sports injuries
Chiropractic is integral to health and well being.
Patients deserve the best care possible.

About Scotia Chiropractic

Chiropractic is integral to health and well being. We are committed to improving health and wellness through the relief of musculoskeletal pain. Understanding and meeting our patients’ specific needs lies at the core of our service.


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